Camp Bratton-Green Special Sessions
One day as he was teaching, Pharisees and teachers of the law who had come from every village of Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem were sitting there. And the power of the Lord was present for him to heal the sick. Some men came carrying a paralytic on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith, he said, "Friend, your sins are forgiven." RegisterSpecial Sessions
The Special Sessions at Camp Bratton-Green are for adult campers with mental and/or physical disabilities who want to share in the fun, joy and fellowship the Gray Center Christian summer camp experience provides. With an emphasis on connecting campers and volunteer camp counselors through the love of Christ, our special needs summer camp programs offer disabled individuals the chance to enroll in one-of-two sessions every year based on their age, which are:
Special Session 1: for campers aged 40-and-over. Special Session 1 is a joy filled residential camp experience geared especially for our special camper friends over 40.
Special Session 2: for campers ages 18-39. Special Session 2 is a special week for our special campers ages 18-39.
For more information or assistance, please call 601-859-1556.
Our Special Needs Summer Camp Message
Many people with disabilities don’t have the opportunity to live and interact with others their age while at home. Our special needs camp affords them a loving environment to engage with fellow campers, while further exposing them to a glimpse of the living Christ at work in our world. For many serving in the Episcopal Diocese, Special Sessions over the years have been a source of inspiration, learning, service and love.
And although it’s true that our Special Session camping staff tries to mirror the example of Christ while serving campers, the campers they work with also provide spiritual enrichment to our staffers. This fact can be seen while attending the talent show at session’s end when the unfettered joy comes out that could only be possible through God’s handiwork. And because the purpose of the talent show itself is to artistically share His overwhelming joy, it clearly serves as a powerful example of evangelism!
Spreading the Seeds of Joy to Others
Once a Special Session ends, those seeds of joy are spread and take root beyond the confines of Camp Bratton-Green, and out in our world. After having served during a Special Session, many of our volunteers go on to careers in public service and advocacy, notably in the field of special education. The gifts of dignity for every human being- which are patience, charity, tolerance, and love- are often cited by Jesus as the key components to spiritual wellbeing. And what better place to learn them than at a special needs camp?
All who participate in a Special Session, be it volunteer, camper or visitor, are constantly reminded that God’s love isn’t always pretty… it’s beautiful! We are also reminded that joy exists in the face of hardship, and that we can play any part in the above passage from Luke: the Christ who heals, the beggar who needs healing, or the friend that unites them both. More often, though, we are reminded that we play all three roles at once. A Special Session camp at Camp Bratton-Green provides the spiritual framework that unforgettably brings it all together!